Sunday, December 4, 2011

my mom's holiday

Hi everybody,
As I have promised I put my mother's best photos of her holiday/City trip , in Istanbul on my blog =)
I Don't know where some photos exactly are token but I try to tell you something about the photo that I publish.

Osmanli tugrasi : The monogram/ the arms of the Ottoman Empire.

The Ayasofia before a church and now a Mosque 

Some pictures from the ayasofia, maybe have you noticed the circles around the head of the people. The christen people painted by saints circles around the head in the past. To show the meanings of the saints.

The left photos is in Sirkeci near by the hotel where my Mother has stayed and on the right photo you see the view of her room. The old city, old Istanbul =)

For those two pictures I haven't a description it is just what you see ( and maybe feel as me ).

The dolmabahce Palace.

The soldiers who changes their guard, normally they don't move.

Some figures in the garden of the palace.

My mom in the garden of the palace =)

Turkish coffee, in a beautiful cup... In Turkey the usually drink Turkish tea but also this coffee. It is a strong coffee and when you have finished your cup you turn it on his back and wait a little time. After that time you open the cup and can fortune to  look, really funny to do it. Some people believe in it others not.

My mom is back on this photo but I want to show her great boots, those boots are special boots (hand made) and you can't find exactly the same of those boots.

This were the photos that I had promised I hope that you like them and if you have questions i'm ready to answer them.


Anonymous said...

these are lovely photos

the creation of beauty is art. said...

All of these pictures are absolutely gorgeous! It looks like your mom had such a fantastic trip!

zeys said...

Happy birthday to your mum the photos are amazing:)

zeys said...

Happy birthday to your mum the photos are amazing:)

Hamlin said...

Wonderful pics..Are you wondering what gift to give your mom that she will surely remember? Well one thing, you shall really aim to give the most memorable and unique gifts for moms because they are very special to us.