Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I'm back =) / before my holiday

Hi my lovely readers,

First I hope that everybody had a nice Christmas and a Happy new year.
I was with new year in Turkey so I hadn't the possibility to send posts, but now I'm back =)
I'm not ready with my vacation pictures, I have made like 750 pictures so I most to chose which I gonna post. Before I went to Turkey I had celebrate Christmas with the girls ( my friend group). We had made suprises for each other, that is something typical Holland thing. You make a thing what something says about the person who you have drawn by drawn lots and you give your gift same with you suprise. I think that you now thinking like 'hiii.... I don't understand anything' but after the pictures you will understand it I think. I will also let you see how I have made my suprise.

No I'm gonna tell you the making of my suprise and will show the mine.


First I have paste with wallpaper paste some  newspaper pieces on the balloon. Than I have paste normal paper pieces on the 'head' and painted the head. Then I have almost did the same for the body but I haven paste normal paper on it. I have first painted the paper after that I have pasted with tape. When It was dried I have pasted the 'head' on the 'body'. I have puncture the balloons on the inside. I put my presents in the body and made the face. And tadam this is the result... what do you think it is... yes... it's difficult to see but it's a horse =)

some funny moment by opening the gifts

Everybody with his suprise.

This is the one what I had get, a shoe really good choice I think =) I really liked mine..

And this were my presents, I'm also happy with them.

Thank you for reading

Dress: mango
Shoes: Unknown
Coat: Zara

As I say I will post my holiday pictures soon =)
Till the next time, loves


Anonymous said...

fun pics

the creation of beauty is art. said...

Great pictures! Looks like a lot of fun! Very creative!

lena-juliane said...

nice post and I really like your pictures!
maybe you will check my blog:)


Trendydolap said...

kağıtlara can vermişsiniz resmen :)

Blogger Bolat said...

Vay vay vayy ne sanat :)